Get Involved
Explore the various teams that make up our congregation and learn about the opportunities to get involved. Each team has its own unique mission and purpose, and we encourage you to check out their recent projects to see the impact they're making in our community and here at Journey.
If you would like more information, or are interested in joining a team, contact the office during normal business hours or email journeylutheran@gmail.com.
Caring Blanket
We are a team that makes fleece blankets to give to people to show that our church cares.
We meet at 6:00 PM on the second Wednesday of each month. So far our team is very small. We would welcome new members.
In 2023 we gave out 11 blankets but we feel we may have missed some people who should have received one. You can help us by letting us know if you think someone should receive a blanket or you can go in the blanket room and select a blanket, fill out the sheet on the counter and then give the blanket to that person. We give care blankets for new baby, H.S. graduation, health (surgery or major illness), and care (such as death in the family).

Club 9
Club 9 is the Confirmation ministry for the 9th grade class at Journey. It is a mix of activities, experiences, and discussions to encourage all to grow deeper in their faith. Club 9 has been designed to enrich the confirmation experience by helping youth to:
· Develop a supportive relationship with an adult member of Journey who is not a relative.
· Discover opportunities for involvement within the congregation that might otherwise be overlooked.
· Develop a sense of Christian discipleship.
Club 9 will meet monthly during the school year (September –May).

Confirmation is Christian Education for 6th-8th grade students. We meet regularly throughout the school year (September - May) on Wednesday evenings. A three-year rotation focuses on Old Testament stories, New Testament stories, and Big Questions about Faith.

The Fellowship Team warmly welcomes everyone to Journey. We host a weekly gathering complete with refreshments, fostering a sense of community. Additionally, we actively contribute to event planning.

Green Team
The Green Team is an intergenerational team encouraging people of any age to join us. Our goal is to make the best use of the resources God has given us. We have worked to increase the level of recycling done at Journey, along with eliminating the use of paper and plastic items during fellowship hour. Some of our other activities and projects include pop top collection for Ronald McDonald House, shoe collection benefitting Soles for Souls, old Christmas lights collection to be repurposed by the Rotary Lights team and a reusable coffee cup challenge. This past fall we prepared a space on the edge of the church property that will be the site of our pollinator garden. We look forward to the warmer weather this spring to work more on that project. Other future projects include Earth Day Sunday presentations, eyeglasses collection, and a jeans collection to be repurposed into insulating materials.

Journey Choir
Do you enjoy singing? We love to have many voices in our choir at Journey. Have you been thinking about how you can serve our church? How about using your voice as part of our music ministry? We would love to have many more voices! (No robe required!) Have you not sung in a choir or are a little nervous? Don’t be! Our choir members will help you feel comfortable. Do you sing high? Low? Age 13 or age 93? Everyone has a place in the choir!
Our Journey Lutheran Choir rehearses on Sunday mornings from 8:30-9:15 a.m. Our choir traditionally sings twice a month. The choir schedule is posted on Journey’s website under More. Copies of the schedules are also available in the choir room. We sing a variety of styles, from Renaissance to Contemporary in 4-part harmony.
Please consider “singing praise to God” by joining the Journey Lutheran Choir. In fact, one can ALWAYS join choir throughout the year, just come to a rehearsal on Sunday mornings!

Journey Tots
Journey Tots is a small group for birth-age 3 and their caregivers.
Connect with other parents who are in the same stage of life. Parents will receive 4 Play Time cards which are quick ways to engage faith at home and promote child development, a board book based on the day's theme, and a handout explaining the theme and various ways to bring that theme into daily life.
We meet 4 times throughout the Program Year.

Koinonia is an adult education small group that meets monthly on the first Monday at 8:30am. Breakfast is enjoyed as we discuss a book or movie and how we understand it as followers of Jesus in this day and age. Upcoming books or movies are published in the weekly JournE newsletter and on the events page.

Ladies Card Club
The Ladies Card Club meets on the second Thursday of each month at 9am to play Hand and Foot. New to the game? Don’t worry, you’ll have fun learning! Hope to see you there!

The Outreach/Service team works to connect with the community through service projects and social events. Some of our various activities include: a concert series featuring local talent, hosting regular blood drives, Journey’s Block Party, Habitat for Humanity team builds, collections for winter gear, school supplies and food items. Journey is also a new site for Ruby’s Pantry food distributions. We are continually looking for new ways to share God’s love with our community.

Sunday School
Journey Lutheran’s Sunday School program is for children aged 2 through 5th grade. On a typical morning of Sunday School, the children will gather as a large group for a snack, sing songs, and hear an introduction to the story for the day. The children then head to their classrooms. Currently children are broken up into 3 age groups- 2 & 3-year-olds, 4K-2nd gr & 3rd-5th gr. This will fluctuate from year to year depending on how many children fall into each age group. During classroom time, the kids will hear or read the bible story, along with doing activities or playing games related to the story. The Sunday School children sing during church service several times a year along with putting on a Christmas Program in December. We try to do a couple of service projects throughout the year. The children are given a story bible when they first start Sunday School and use this through 2nd grade. Once they reach 3rd grade, they are given a bible that they will use through confirmation.